New – Mason Lang, fuckyeahconsciousness

A couple of bits of news…

The first part of my long-threatened look at movies, memes and such went live at Weaponizer last week. The Mason Lang Film Club is going to start by looking at the “Your Reality isn’t Real” boom of 1998-9, which gave us films like Dark City, The Truman Show and The Matrix. Join Me!

Also, a new venue for me to rant about minds and consciousness and such – a Tumblr group-blog set up by a few pals keen to save and expand on the increasingly complex Twitter threads we’ve been having. So take a peek at if that strikes your fancy.

The next Guttershaman is also on the cards, plus whatever else crops up. Nice for things to be getting busy again.

(Also, big thanks for the quiet but kind comments about my last post.)

3 thoughts on “New – Mason Lang, fuckyeahconsciousness”

  1. “the “Your Reality isn’t Real” boom of 1998-9, which gave us films like Dark City, The Truman Show and The Matrix.” – yeah there was some sort of PoMo paradigm shift going on there that was being picked up & documented by a wave of film-makers (or summat); some sort of post-cyberpunk thing folding into early Reality / Fly-on-the-wall TV, which then itself fed into and maybe fuelled the 2000’s RTV boom (that plus the fact that it’s probably cheaper to make than drama, maybe). Sorry, lack of sleep has made that far less coherent than it should be…

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