…neither come from me!
The quote is today’s example of the joy to be found from the webcomic A Softer Word. Go see.
The request for submissions is for the upcoming Beltane issue of Rending the Veil, my Number One occult webzine – and not just ‘cos they print my stuff.
Rending the Veil is seeking content for its Beltane issue, due to go live on or near April 15. This will be our first issue since Yule, due to various technical issues associated with the move (and other factors). If you’ve ever considered submitting content, please make an effort to do so for this issue. We want a robust, intelligent, and interesting issue and I have faith that anyone reading this post is capable of writing precisely that caliber of material.
We seek non-fiction articles on any occult subject — intermediate to advanced is preferred but we do have room for some beginner-oriented content. We also seek fiction (either chapters in a series or short stories) with occult or paranormal (or otherworldly) flavor; book, TV, movie, cd, etc reviews on anything that’d be of interest to an alternative audience; poetry; graphic art and photography; and pretty much anything else that will fit into a visual format.
Please feel free to paste this post anywhere you think people might be interested. Contact info – admin@rendingtheveil.com or sheta@rendingtheveil.com
We are also seeking volunteers for publicizing the magazine via interaction on like-content blogs or web forums.
Thank you!