Published works and lectures

For circa. 2009ce (closed 2014, archived here)

‘The Tribe of the Strange: Origin Myth’
-Republished at Anomalous Engineering September 2015
‘Frequently Asked Questions About Weird Shit’ 
‘Guttershaman Primer’ 

The Mason Lang Film Club:
As-yet-unfinished, this is a look at the remarkable wave of Gnostically tinged cinema of 1998/99, through the lens of Grant Morrison’s character from The Invisibles, Mason Lang:
-‘The Matrix’
-‘The Thirteenth Floor’

For Rending The 2009ce (closed 2014, archived here)

Review: ‘The Apophenion’
Review: ‘Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, Over?’ Most scathing review I ever gave.
Review: ‘Raising Hell’
‘Veiled Issues: The ‘-ism Schism’ – Comments on atheism vs faith”

For Modern Mythology: 2009/10ce (archived here)

‘Into The Hyperreal’
-Part 1: ‘Census Sweep’
-Part 2: ‘Cargo’
-Part 3: ‘Modern Soul’
The ‘Into The Hyper-Real’ articles appear in the printed collection Apocalyptic Imaginary
(Mythos Media, 2012; ISBN-13: 978-0615590011) and was revised/republished in one article at Anomalous Engineering.

‘Infinite Diversity’
-One of my favourite and most personal articles, this is about the influence of Star Trek and its philosophy on me.

For Daily Grail:2010ce to present

‘The Place Of Maybe’ (introductory post)
Review – ‘The Cabin in the Woods’
Review – ‘The River’, Season 1 
Review – ‘The Forbidden Book’ Second-most scathing review I ever gave. Close thing!
Review – ‘Apocalyptic Witchcraft’ by Peter Grey
‘Pulling The Cosmic Trigger – The Kazimier, Liverpool, UK, 23 February 2014’ 
Review – ‘A Very English Apocalypse: Current 93 at Halifax Minster’ 
‘Your Face, Their Algorithm: NSA facial recognition’ (and the great TV show Person Of Interest)
‘Slenderman: Five Years’
Review – ‘Discovering Scarfolk’ by Richard Littler
Review – ‘Constantine’ TV pilot

In the Darklore journal:

Volume 6: ‘The Slenderman: Tracing the birth and evolution of a modern monster’ 
(Daily Grail Publishing, 2011; ISBN-13: 978-0980711189)
Volume 7: ‘Killing Slenderman: Editing a modern myth before it bites’ 
(Daily Grail Publishing, 2012; ISBN-13: 978-0987422408)
Volume 8: ‘Believing In Fiction: The Rise Of Hyperreal Religion’
(Daily Grail Publishing 2014; ISBN-13: 978-0987422460)
Volume 9: ‘The New Gods’
(Daily Grail Publishing 2016: ISBN-13: 978-0994617606)

An extract from the first Slenderman article was republished by Xojane; and the article was translated into French for the Fortean site Tryangle 

At Spiral Nature: 2012ce to present

Review: ‘Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods’
The Hype: my (allegedly) monthly column since April 2014:
– Pop occulture and hyper-real religion 
– ‘True Detective: A flat circle in Chapel Perilous’
– ‘London’s calling: the city as character in urban fantasy’                                                              – ‘Doing It Wrong – Cultural Theft and Supernatural
‘Twin Peaks: The fire still burns’
-Xmas edition: Everything is awesome! Magick, metaphor and Lego
The Babadook: Everyone gets what they want

For 2013ce

Guest post “Rate Of Return: Woolwich, 4GW and Kayfabe.” (One of my very few purely political posts)

For Fortean Times: 2014 ce

None with web versions as yet.

Feature article: “The Slender Man: From Viral To Postal”, issue 317, August 2014ce

Forum article: “…that tingling feeling…” on Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, issue 322, November 2014ce

Forum article: “Pulling The Cosmic Trigger” issue 323, December 2014ce

Announced Works:

Book: ‘New Gods and Monsters’ (Daily Grail Publishing, 2016)


On Eris and Discordianism, Leeds University Occult Society, Circa. 1995

Tantra 101 and 102, UK Bicon, circa 1994/5ce

At academic institutions:

On paganism and Midsummer: for Make/Believe event at Royal College of Art, London (22 April 2015)  Video here

Robert Anton Wilson: Gnostic Agnostic for Marginal Presences conference at Senate House Library, London (23 April 2015) A longer version was given as RAW MAGIC: The Occultism of Robert Anton Wilson, see below

The Tulpa In The West: for ‘Fandom and Religion’ conference, University of Leicester (29 July 2015) Paper here

At Treadwells, London:

Slenderman: Fight Fiction With Fiction (25 November 2013ce) Video – bad sound sorry – here.

Cthulhu, Fiction and Real Magic (3 December 2014ce) Audio and footnotes here

Science Fiction’s Gifts To Paganism (12 February 2015ce) Video and footnotes here

RAW MAGIC: The Occultism of Robert Anton Wilson (27 August 2015) Video here and Q&A session here

Other lectures:

‘Searching for Slenderman’, London Fortean Society (8 October 2014ce)


Rune Soup podcast (with Gordon White) (January 2016)